Police Officer’s Reward Boy in Most Amazing Way

Last week, I asked for help in rewarding my grandson. Bricen has autism, and works hard at controlling his emotions, and making good decisions. He receives therapy which promotes positive programs. A part of Bricen’s therapy is earning tokens. Over a three week period, Bricen earned 75 tokens, and his one and only wish was to have a soda with a policeman at McDonalds. Officer Chris Vines, from the Sumner County Sheriff Office, responded saying he’d like to meet Bricen. He shared Bricen’s story with fellow officers at the Sheriff…

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Tell Your Story

Last week I read an article about a police officer and his fiancé who left their 8-year old son with autism to freeze to death overnight in a garage. I felt the familiar bubble of rage and sickness in my throat. Alone in my office, I shook my head. I flashed back to my son at eight years old, when he asked everyone the color of their shampoo. He ate cinnamon toast for breakfast every morning except Wednesday. Every Wednesday, he had waffles. At nine, my son went to summer…

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Mom Thanks Metro Police Officer who Helped her Autistic Son

For 2 years I picked up my son from his Autism Program five days a week. While I waited for him, I sat in the parking lot and watched the metro trains drive by. My son loves trains. And every day I would watch a young mom, with a baby strapped to her chest, try to get her young, autistic son out of the building and to the train. I’d watch her hold onto him on the platform. I watched him drop to the ground and roll. I watched her…

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Mother Posts Sign on House to Protect Autistic Son from Police

This story is almost three years old. I just learned of it today. I saw the photo above on Facebook. And I instantly felt ill. Sick to my stomach. Because I knew. This is the reality for so many parents in my world. This is my greatest fear. And I know say that a lot. I worry about who will care for Cooper after I am gone. Who will keep him safe. But in the now, in the day-to-day, I worry about protecting him from the world. He is nonverbal.…

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