Swinging And Success

There is something about a summer night. We took a last minute family walk with promises to check the mailbox after two slides down the slide and one swing for ten seconds. Well, he nailed the walk and went down the slide three times! And, he swung for over a minute. On a big kid swing. While dad pushed him. Before Cooper I never knew that swinging can be hard. That holding on takes a lot of muscle. And that it would take years just to get him on the…

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Teaching Play To Children With Autism

At age seven my son has very few play skills and no imaginative play. This means keeping him entertained without technology is a real challenge. What I wouldn’t give to be able to say to my son, ‘go play.’ Right now that phrase doesn’t make sense to him. He needs to be taught the skills first. For years we have worked on puzzles and anything alphabet related. But both of those types of play meant that I was sitting next to him and engaging with him. I had hoped by…

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