Posts Tagged ‘parent shaming’
The Corner of the Waiting Room
Let me tell you all about how a corner in a waiting room became my home today. I took my son Gianni to therapy for a 1:45 appointment. We arrived at 1:30. When we arrived they said it wasn’t until 2. We are in the lobby. Gianni is acting insane. His body won’t stay in one place. He’s screaming the most highest pitched scream he can manage. It’s a very small waiting room. EVERYONE, and I mean everyone, is staring at us. I tell him to use his inside voice.…
Read MoreGood People Don’t Bully Other Parents
Parenting a child with a disability is not a competition to see who has the highest functioning kid or the most severe kid. It’s not about bullying a fellow parent for admitting they are having a hard day. It’s not about alienating them because they see something different than you do. It’s not about arguing over labels or word choice. And it’s especially not about belittling a fellow parent who is newer to the journey. A parent who is asking questions. And asking for help and support. Acceptance takes time. It…
Read MoreI’m done Apologizing for my Daughter
I don’t know about you, but I’m so tired of apologizing… I’m tired of apologizing for things I cannot control. I’m tired of apologizing to people who don’t deserve it. However, I’m most tired of apologizing for my autistic daughter. Today, while checking out in the book store, Harper ran away to go to the children’s section (without looking back or slowing down ) so she could press the heart of Elmo to make him dance just one more time. As the cashier awkwardly smiled at me, I apologized to…
Read MoreWhen You Feel Like You Don’t Belong in Society Anymore
There have been many “hardest” autism moments, and the truth is, when I think it can’t get harder, there is always a next time that makes it harder. I hope that makes sense. There have been many “best moments” too, but let’s talk about the hard times, because we currently just had a horrible moment. The first hardest autism moment came before I even knew he had autism. We had just dropped Dad off for a year long deployment at the airport. I wouldn’t have even attempted the store, but…
Read MoreBreaking My Silence After My Viral Video
It’s time for me to break my silence. I recently had a video go viral. It was originally shared by Today Show. When all was said and done the video has nearly 20 million views. You can see it here. First, welcome to all of my new followers. Nearly 20,000 of you on Facebook and thousands more visited this website and found me on Instagram. I am so happy to have you here. I want you to know this a tight community where we celebrate the unique joys and struggles…
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