Cooper showed his 'Calm.'

There are many times throughout the day when I will look at Cooper and think ‘what the heck is going on in that little brain of yours?’ Last night was not one of those nights. This kid let his smarts show. A little backstory. Everything Cooper does is AMPED up. If he wants something he shrieks and whines and points and jumps up and down. He goes from zero to one million plus one in under a second. If his train falls off the track he takes the freaking house down. If I…

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Bye Bye Nuk's

There are few things in life that Cooper LOVES as much as his Nuk. There have been times when he has been known to have 3 or 4 at one time. Well, this kid just turned 3 and it’s time to say Bye-Bye. Now, please don’t pass judgment for allowing him to have a Nuk this late in life. To say Cooper is a challenge is putting it mildly. So, when night time (or nap time) comes I usually don’t have a lot of fight left in me.  And every single night…

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