Who Would I Be?

Who would I be without him? I ask myself this question every once in a while. I don’t ask it often, because that could turn into a slippery slope, if you will. Hi. My name is Carrie. My husband Joe and I have five kids. Our second son, Jack, has autism. He has had it since the very day he was born. He is sixteen now. Without autism, I would be carefree. Maybe even spontaneous. Naïve. Unkind. Judgmental. I might know what it’s like to sleep past 5:45 am. That’s…

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What If This Is It?

I’ve been really, really off lately. Irritable. Crabby. Most definitely not happy. I’ve even noticed that I am avoiding Cooper a little bit. It started after his birthday party on the 6th. That was a tough one. We changed our whole lives for Cooper. Every single thing is different now. And that’s fine. I have zero regrets. And every month we are told by Cooper’s therapists how amazing he is doing. Thriving they say. Better every single week. Amazing eye contact. Such a sweet boy. So engaged. Just a joy.…

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