Posts Tagged ‘mother’s day’
The Push and Pull of Motherhood
Do any of you feel a constant push and pull as a mother? Because I do. I have four beautiful children ages 11 to 11 months. Every second of my life is full. It’s messy and loud and so full of love and joy and lack of sleep that some days I just want to cry. I miss reading. And sitting. And thinking. It’s amazing too though. The best really. But the push and pull. I’m feeling it a lot lately. I spent the last couple of days with my…
Read MoreHappy Mother’s Day
Last night when I opened my son Cooper’s backpack I found a gift that he had made me. I cried. Which may sound silly. I’m sure most mother’s are used to getting these types of gifts from their child’s daycare and then preschool and eventually school. I’m not though. Crafts clumsily put together with love, glue, glitter and color. This one was perfection. When I showed it to him he clapped and gasped. He knew. He can’t say Happy Mother’a Day…but he knows. As I sipped my coffee I let…
Read MoreMother’s Day 2021
Someone recently said to me…’your hands are sure full.’ And when I responded with an ‘um yep.’ She said…’better full then empty I always say.’ And I’ve thought about her words many times since. My hands are very full and soon, when baby is born, filled to capacity. Full is good. Full is amazing. But it’s also chaotic and loud and hard sometimes. I had very few expectations for today. I wanted to watch my middle son play hockey. Which I got too! (Go Sawyer!) And I wanted a picture…
Read MoreConfessions of an Autism Mom
For as long as I can remember, I wished I had a crystal so I could see into the future with my son Jack and his autism. I hated when people said time would tell. Or to relax, it would all work out for the best. I wanted to know it for myself. Since the day Jack was diagnosed, I was always racing against the clock. I wanted to know when he would speak to me in full sentences, and if he would learn to potty train, and the night…
Read MoreWhen Mother’s Day is Hard
Mother’s Day for a special needs mom does not look like everyone else’s day… I spent my Mother’s Day redirecting behaviors that were furiously present this week. I’m not saying this as negative, I’m saying it because it’s true, and I’m recognizing the hard. I try to share the good more than the bad, but sometimes the hard is an important part of our story too. It isn’t always positive new skills, or new words, or meds that work for a day or two. There was no sleeping in or…
Read MoreI was the Gloom and Doom Mom
Yesterday, I celebrated my eighth Mother’s Day. I’m not sure how that is possible but I did the math and it is indeed right. I have three boys. Each delightfully amazing in their own way. Cooper is 8. He is the happiest boy you will ever meet. He has taught me more about life than anyone or anything else. He is my shadow. I am his person and he is mine. I have Sawyer who is 6. He is incredible and pushes me to my limits daily. He is smart,…
Read MoreEvolution of a Special Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day – A special day of reverence. A day where many of us focus our love and efforts on showing our moms, grandmothers, and mother figures just how much we love them, and how much we appreciate all that they do for us. For others, Mother’s Day is a day to mourn a loss, and reminisce about pleasant memories of the past. When someone mentions Mother’s Day to me, my immediate mental image recall is of a specific photo on a particular mother’s day when the kids were little…
Read MoreTake the Photo Dads
I realized today that even though I have 6,000 photos on my iPhone…I had zero of me and my three boys. I felt like I was wrangling cats, got a few sighs and protests, cleaned dirty chocolate mouths, said a few threats and told them to stop fighting a few times. But I got it. It only took 30 to get the good one Take the photo dads. These babies grow up over night. It feels like yesterday I was celebrating my first Mother’s Day. And now I have 8…
Read MoreMoms, You are Good Enough
I never realized how much I wanted to be a mother until I was told I couldn’t. Until I was told my body would fail me. My body wasn’t, “good enough” to do what a woman’s body was, “supposed to.” I never knew how much I wanted to be a mom until that honor was taken away from me. After 2 ½ beautiful months he left our home returning to his teenager mother who changed her mind. One final signature, one last document, a teenage mother’s changed mind, and my days…
Read MoreMy New Dreams as a Mother
I have two amazing daughters. Claudia is 15 and Keira is 13. They both are beautiful. They both have crazy curly red hair. And they both have Autism. A spectrum disorder that affects individuals differently and in varying degrees. They may share this diagnosis but in most ways couldn’t be more different. My Claudia has severe non verbal autism. She didn’t say her first real word until age 7. She still has toileting issues and needs assistance with every aspect of life. She rarely sleeps through the night and is…
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