Mommy Guilt

Mommy guilt is real. It’s powerful and it can crumble the strongest of women. It is painful, shaming, blaming, isolating, gut wrenching and all together time consuming. If you let it, IT WILL DESTROY YOU. How do I know this?  Because it almost happened to me. The guilt I felt had such a strong hold that I was numb. For the first time in my life I felt nothing, I heard nothing, saw nothing and was NOT okay. My family was afraid to leave me alone and in all honest,…

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A Day in the Life of Brayden

As the days tick down and school is about to begin I can feel the anxiety starting to climb at our house. When I was growing up I remember back to school as a glorious time. I remember going on a shopping trip to Mall of America or the local mall. We would spend the day laughing, wandering, and occasionally picking up a new pair of jeans or a needed pair of tennis shoes. It was never about the stuff. It was about spending quality time with your mom. Now…

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Eek…I Overshared! And Now You Know The Real Me!

I am totally having mommy guilt about oversharing yesterday. Think of it as drinking too much and being embarrassed the next day about what you said and did. We’ve all been there. At least I know I have! (One too many times) Except yesterday I wasn’t drinking. I was just plain, old sad. And worn down. And needed help. A good night’s sleep reminded me that life could be a lot worse. If I was to sum up Cooper’s behaviors I can link every single one to lack of communication. He…

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I Need To Enjoy These Moments

I’m missing right now. I’m so caught up in wishing Cooper was talking that I am missing the special moments. Time is a funny thing to any parent. On one hand you want it to stop. You want to enjoy this little, perfect baby forever. You want to soak up every second so you never forget it. And then on the other hand there are moments when you need time to go faster. Like when your sweet baby doesn’t sleep more than two hours at a time. Or they are teething…

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