Posts Tagged ‘momlife’
Dear Tired Mama
Dear Tired Mama, I see you as we pass each other going for that evening walk with your little one and I with mine trying to burn off that last energy of the day. I see you at the playground pushing your little one on the swing . I see you walking the track with your stroller and two kids while staying committed to being healthy. I see you as you are taking a nature walk, climbing boulders, letting your child explore get messy and dirty. Bringing all kinds of…
Read MoreA Few Things I Have Learned About Motherhood
As I near my due date with my fourth baby, and slowly lose my mind daily with the three I already have, I find myself thinking a lot about mothering. And all that goes into it. Here are a few of the things I’ve learned along the way: 1. Having children is like having the worst roommates sometimes. They move your stuff, eat your food, and leave dishes all over the house. Try to remember though that messes clean up. 2. Your children can be just like you, or polar…
Read MoreOne of Those Mornings
It’s been one of those mornings. You know the one. Dog peed on the carpet, forgot to do reading homework last night, arguing over breakfast and wondering why it seems like daylight savings is still totally messing with your family. But it’s only one hour! It makes no sense. So, here’s to the parent who got up one too many times last night. The dad who used a paper towel as a coffee filter because someone forgot to buy them. The dad who scrubbed dog poop and pee out of…
Read MoreTo the Parents who Admit it’s Hard
To the parents who say it’s hard. And talk about the hard. The ones who don’t hide. Or lie. Or fake it. But instead learn from it. And let the hard make them stronger. I see you. To the parents that have figured it out. Or at least figured it out enough. Thank you for helping others. For supporting and lifting up. For answering a midnight text saying, ‘I can’t do this anymore. ‘And reminding them, ‘yes, you can.’ To the parents who don’t judge. Who offer a hand, dinner,…
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