Posts Tagged ‘miracle league baseball’
“I Am That Mom”: Navigating Back-To-School for Her Child With Disabilities
I am totally THAT mom. Each year when I send my daughter off to her first day of school, it hurts. Like physically, in my gut, hurts. My breathing feels shallow. My heart seems to skip beats. My cheeks are hot and tingly. Waves of nausea pass through my belly like the ocean when a storm is near. Each year on that first day I feel sick with worry because I am here, and she is there. I know my daughter is not going out into the world alone when…
Read MoreFive Tips Special Needs Moms Need for Back-to-School
Dear Special Needs Mommas, As the school year begins, I want to offer words of encouragement and motivation. Your role as advocates and supporters is crucial. Embrace the first weeks with optimism, knowing that you have the power to shape your child’s educational journey. Trust your instincts, collaborate with educators, and remember, you are never alone. From my experience as a former special education teacher and a caretaker to an adult with autism, these are my “go to” tips for you to survive the first week of school. You will…
Read MoreBeyond Expectations: A Heartwarming Journey of Inclusion From Public School
My son Logan has been in public school since the beginning of his autism diagnosis. Something I wasn’t always sure of doing with a special needs child. Because the truth is that sending your nonverbal child to public school is terrifying. I’ve read the stories. I’ve seen the news. I feared for sending my beautiful boy to a place that may not protect him. It weighed so heavily on me. I was so afraid he wouldn’t be understood. That they wouldn’t be compassionate or patient with him. That they wouldn’t…
Read MoreJoin Miracle League!
Cooper had a strong finish to the first half of his miracle league baseball season! He got on base 100% of the time. Gave hundreds of high fives. Threw the ball to his coach. Ran the bases. And enjoyed himself! And I got to watch as he played. Which sounds so simple. But for parents with kids like Cooper, kids who need more, we often feel more like teachers, nurses, and therapists than moms and dads. So tonight, for the first time, I got to wear my mom hat instead…
Read MorePictures in My Mind
When you become a parent, and probably even before, you imagine your child’s life. You imagine your own. You have this picture in your head of what it will look like. Scenarios. Highs. Successes. Wins. The beautiful moments. That’s normal. As humans we do that. We daydream. We imagine. When something challenges those images it can be hard. Like really hard. What you thought would be is not. I’m here to tell you that once you step off the path of what you pictured and into the unknown, your life…
Read MoreA Beautiful Night for Baseball
It was a beautiful night for some baseball! Week number two and I’m still blown away by this kid’s progress. Batting, fielding, base running, hugging, and giving high fives. All on point! And to bed immediately when we got home. Finding Cooper’s Voice is a safe, humorous, caring and honest place where you can celebrate the unique challenges of parenting a special needs child. Because you’re never alone in the struggles you face. And once you find your people, your allies, your village….all the challenges and struggles will seem just…
Read MoreMiracle League Baseball
One of the best things we ever did for our family was join Miracle League Baseball. We met so many amazing kids and families like ours. We got outside. We found people who understood our challenges. We became part of a team. And so much more. Moms and dads always tell me that they don’t think their child will actually play. And my answer is always…that doesn’t matter. It’s so fun just to be apart of something. There is no score. Or pressure. Just lots of cheering. And tonight, during…
Read MoreGetting A Win
When I was first approached about joining Miracle League Baseball with my son, I said no way. Nope. It will never work. But my dear friend convinced me that it’s a blast and worth it and that I wouldn’t have the only ‘spirited’ child who refused to play. So, we joined. And it’s been amazing for our family. I have made friends, been humbled numerous times, and laughed out loud. Like tonight for example… A young gentleman told me I looked like his grandmother. The third baseman didn’t want anyone…
Read MoreWhen Hard Work Pays Off
This kid played one heck of a baseball game tonight. He hit the ball twice WITHOUT mom’s help. He ran the bases and didn’t need my help to stay calm! He clapped, cheered and perfected the double high five-down low-up high-chest bump with mom. Grandma and Grandpa were there cheering so he brought his best game! He even stopped mid-base to wave at them and request they clap. In the field he snagged a few balls, ran them back to the coach and took in a few minutes of Thomas…
Read MoreTurning Invisible
I remember when my son and I turned invisible. It wasn’t fast. It wasn’t overnight. It happened slow at first. And then one day, I felt like we were gone. There were no playdates. No conversations at Kindergarten drop off or pick up. He wasn’t involved in sports or clubs. His interests never changed. No new hobbies. No hobbies at all actually. He’s never had a birthday party invitation. Time was a continuum. No start or stop. No new grade levels. No spring, summer or fall activities. If we went…
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