More Than Words Can Say

If you had asked me what communication meant five years ago, I would have answered without hesitation, “It’s conversation, talking and listening.” Then my daughter came along and showed me how limited that perception is. Evie is five and a half years old, and was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder three years ago. She doesn’t talk, not the way most people do. She does something called scripting, which for her means using words and phrases memorized from select shows, movies and songs to express herself. She throws them out like…

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Love Needs No Words

Here is my blue-eyed, blonde hair, sweet boy looking at me. He shows his love through his eyes. He may be unable to tell me he loves me verbally, but he shows me in his unique way.  Thinking back three years ago, life was a lot different. It was the start of our autism journey. It was the start that our life would change forever. He was not making any form of eye contact. He would not interact with peers. He would always want to be left alone. It was…

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Love Needs No Words

If you’ve followed this page for any period of time, you know my son loves photos. Photos of Jamie and I when we were young. Party photos. Baby photos. Me as a freshman in college dressed up as a naughty nurse for Halloween. His dad taking a shot out of a beer bong made out of a plastic penguin named Petie. Our friends too. Old and new. He loves really happy photos. Carefree people. Letting loose. He hunts around the house for them. Digs in Rubbermaid tubs in the basement.…

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Our Love Has Not, And Never Will, Need Words

Raising a non-verbal child taught me to communicate with more than mere words and to listen with more than mere ears. I don’t need words to catch the joy dancing behind Mason’s eyes when he sees me enter a room. I don’t need his voice to tell me he loves me when I have the strength of his embrace that follows after he wraps his arms around my neck. No amount of speech can match the magnitude that comes with his bedtime kisses, or late night cuddles. Every flick of…

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Autism Awareness Month

Today is autism awareness day. That means you will see your news feed full of stories about autism. The news outlets will cover it. It will be everywhere. So many people come to me with questions of what to do. They ask if they should celebrate. If they should advocate. Should they wear blue, red, purple or gold. They are confused. I get it. It’s overwhelming. Today, I ask you to simply start a conversation about autism. You don’t have to do anything huge. Just start talking. I invite you…

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