A Message To My Future Self

I do this thing where I leave notes for my future self. I have done it for years. The first time was during college. I was dating a guy that wasn’t right for me but I refused to see it. During a super low point with lots of fighting I got this alert on my phone that said, “If it’s not better today, DUMP HIS ASS!” At first I thought God was talking to me. Although I was pretty sure God wouldn’t swear. Honestly though I had no idea how the…

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Just Be Patient Mama. It Will Get Better.

I mentioned yesterday that my whole family is sick with a cold….including one of our dogs. I think our house should be quarantined at this point. The boys stayed home from daycare with Jamie and he text me around 10 that something ‘questionable’ was draining out of Cooper’s right ear. First, I am not surprised. He has been acting like a lunatic lately. I wish he could just tell us when something hurts. I hate the thought that he is in pain and I don’t know it. Second, what next? And…

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