Posts Tagged ‘inspiration’
Two Strangers with One Incredible Thing in Common: Autism
A few years ago, when my daughter was diagnosed with autism, I went down the wormhole of Instagram searching for someone who could understand. I didn’t know a single person on the spectrum, and all of my friends had typically developing children, so I was desperate to connect with anyone who could say, “I get it,” instead of the “I can’t imagines” that were being hurled my way. And then I stumbled upon a beauty queen. A title holder in the Miss America Organization, to be exact. A woman with…
Read MoreThe Battle of Perfectionism with a Physical Disability
Perfectionism, everyone has experienced it in some way. For certain people, it commonly occurs within academics, whereas for others, it can be apparent in their job or home. However, for people with disabilities, perfectionism can be heightened due to the need to prove society wrong, and turn the “can’ts” into “cans.” I am a graduate student, studying to be a mental health counselor. How does that statement alone make me unique? Well, I use a communication device due to cerebral palsy. I am the first person in my program to…
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