In the Chaos, Don’t Forget About Special Needs Children

Mommas, that fear you’re feeling right now. That fear of the unknown and not knowing what is going to happen to your school-aged child. Of not knowing what is best or the right answer. Of not knowing how programs and best-laid plans are going to play out. That awful sinking feeling of dread. That feeling is the feeling most special need parents feel every year at the IEP meeting and every start of every new school year. That feeling is constant for special need parents. In addition, that feeling of…

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If We Want Success, Than Follow Her IEP

Today I volunteered at my daughter’s school in her Kindergarten classroom for their Halloween party. It was a quick visit to drop off cupcakes and help out for a little bit.  Of course, the moment I entered the room the school psychologist asked me to visit his office on my way out. But Ally came running over to me with excitement and I tried to forget what awful news they had for me. I helped kids make little ghosts with glue and cotton balls and they all followed directions and…

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The Other Side of the Table

I am no stranger to the IEP process that’s for sure. I just finished my 12th year as a special education teacher in a small town in the thumb of Michigan and I absolutely love my job. I’ve known I wanted to be a special education teacher since my junior year of high school and I pride myself in always trying my absolute best to put the students first and try to create great relationships with my students’ parents. I can’t tell you how many IEP meetings I have run…

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A Letter to “Those Special Education Parents”

Dear “Those Special Education Parents”, You may know who you are and you may not. You’re the parents that previous teachers warn the following teacher about before transition IEP meetings or in emails about an upcoming move to a different school. Administrators are aware of you too and they attend meetings that you’ll be at, even if their attendance is not required. And why have you received the label of “those Special Education Parents?” Because you advocate for the services your child deserves. Earlier this year, I had an IEP…

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I Never Knew that IEPs Would be so Hard

Autism is a journey. It is a journey in a foreign land. When you arrive there is no map, no travel guide, and no book of language translation. You start to wander aimlessly looking for anything or anyone that looks familiar. Someone or something that can point you in the right direction. You stumble and fall. You cry, kick the ground, and sit there determined that you can’t do this. You are overwhelmed, disappointed, and discouraged. You don’t want to be here you want to go home. Home is a…

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The Preschool Plan is in Place

I can’t even put into words how great Cooper’s teacher is and how amazing his IEP meeting went. I fell in love instantly. She was the perfect combination of  calm, fun, loving and educational. This is the FIRST time throughout this school evaluation positive that I have felt happy. And positive. Jamie and I met in his future classroom with his teacher, 2 speech therapists, 1 occupational therapist, the special education  director and 1 classroom aid. First, we sat at a tiny table with tiny chairs. I loved it. I felt…

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Updates and Cuteness Overload

Just a few updates. Cooper has had a couple tough therapy appointments. Speech and OT were a bust this week. But one positive is that we were able to redirect him a few times when he started throwing a tantrum. Which is a positive:-) We are really starting to feel the financial strain from his OT appointments and although he loves going…I wish I saw more of an improvement. Another amazing update is that summer is here and Cooper is LOVING being outside. We spent almost all day yesterday swinging,…

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