“I Am That Mom”: Navigating Back-To-School for Her Child With Disabilities

I am totally THAT mom. Each year when I send my daughter off to her first day of school, it hurts. Like physically, in my gut, hurts. My breathing feels shallow. My heart seems to skip beats. My cheeks are hot and tingly. Waves of nausea pass through my belly like the ocean when a storm is near. Each year on that first day I feel sick with worry because I am here, and she is there. I know my daughter is not going out into the world alone when…

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Five Tips Special Needs Moms Need for Back-to-School

Dear Special Needs Mommas, As the school year begins, I want to offer words of encouragement and motivation. Your role as advocates and supporters is crucial. Embrace the first weeks with optimism, knowing that you have the power to shape your child’s educational journey. Trust your instincts, collaborate with educators, and remember, you are never alone. From my experience as a former special education teacher and a caretaker to an adult with autism, these are my “go to” tips for you to survive the first week of school. You will…

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Beyond Expectations: A Heartwarming Journey of Inclusion From Public School

My son Logan has been in public school since the beginning of his autism diagnosis.  Something I wasn’t always sure of doing with a special needs child.  Because the truth is that sending your nonverbal child to public school is terrifying.  I’ve read the stories. I’ve seen the news.  I feared for sending my beautiful boy to a place that may not protect him.  It weighed so heavily on me. I was so afraid he wouldn’t be understood.  That they wouldn’t be compassionate or patient with him.  That they wouldn’t…

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