As Special Needs Parents…This is What We Hope For And Work Towards

Independence….. Today was the start of more “independence” for our son Alex! We live in a more rural area so we don’t have public transportation or taxis. They are unreliable. We have “Rides”…you call and schedule well ahead of time and they come take you where you need to go. So, today we started this service for Alex for his Day-Hab days. He always loved riding the bus so he was actually looking forward to this. He trotted out there like he’d done it a thousand times. Only potential issue…

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A Story That Changed My Life

A few weeks ago I had the honor of chatting with Peri of Not Raingirl. Peri is one of my most favorite humans on this earth. She is also an autism self advocate. She was diagnosed as a young girl and now shares her memories, learnings, and feelings with the world. Essentially, she is a guidepost for parents who want to listen and learn. When we spoke last, she told me a story that changed my life as a mother to an autistic child. In the story, she was referencing…

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Take a Chance on Me

There’s a viral article out that highlights a young man (Ryan Lowry) in Virginia on the autism spectrum who has penned his own letter to a future employer asking for an opportunity to work. He highlights the wonderful IT skills he has to offer any company. He also points out where he needs mentoring. But if given the opportunity, he knows he can contribute to any company willing to work with him.  “I promise that if you hire me and teach me, you’ll be glad that you did. I will…

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Amanda Owen, Creator of Puzzle Pieces, is Changing Lives for People With Disabilities

To truly know what a special needs life is, you have to have a deep understanding of it. You have to see it in every way and every aspect. It has to be your life. As the younger sister of Nick Boarman, 36 year-old Amanda Owen has known special needs life her entire life. At Nick’s six month check-up the doctor told their mother, Sharon Boarman, that Nick had a rare chromosomal disability. The Syndrome was so rare that there were only ten other cases at that time and those…

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Not Hired, or even Fired, because of Autism

Growing up I didn’t know much about people with Autism. In fact the only thing I really knew was that I have a younger brother who has Autism.  He was diagnosed with PDD (Persuasive Developmental Disorder), which apparently was very hard to diagnose years ago, when he was 13 years old. Despite getting diagnosed late and receiving no therapy due to private insurance cut off age limit, he went on to graduate high school. I was so proud of him for what he had accomplished. But I never imagined what…

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I Never Stopped Talking To Him

Yesterday I interviewed my dear friend Leasa of Cody Speaks. If you don’t follow her you should. Her son Cody is 20. He loves videos and the mail. His autism was discovered when he was 17 months old. And he started talking at 9 years old. When she said that on the live, comments immediately came in asking what she did. What is the magic thing that got him to start talking? I understand because when I found Leasa and Cody, I asked the same question. My son was 7…

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An Open Letter to the Bullies of the World:

Dear Bullies, I wish I could say there is probably a reason for the hate in your heart but I won’t be able to do that. Your tough childhood or the excuse that hurt people in return hurt people are reasons wasted on me. You see there comes a time in our lives where we need to stop blaming others for the way we are and start learning from the difficulties of our past. YOU though are in a class of bullies all by themselves. The kind that would target…

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To Any Special Needs Parent Who’s Having One Of Those Days

Dear Special Needs Parent, I know some days are tough. You are beaten down. Your child is having a meltdown. Your teenager is having challenges at school and your young adult is desperately trying to be placed in a job or find somewhere to live. No matter what the obstacle is, we’ve all been there, special need parent or not. We want to run away at times because we wonder to ourselves “Will it get better? CAN it get better?” Your son can’t be bathed because of the texture of…

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My Dream for a Better Tomorrow

I dream of a world where Autistic is put in the special skills and strengths section of a CV and not the medical section. The knowledge should already exist that we have additional needs, we shouldn’t have to specify it on a form as a disability or disorder. Here is why the word Autistic should be respected, admired and in some cases envied. I cannot emphasize enough how much autistic people have shaped this world and provided global changing technology, medicine, knowledge, understanding of the unknown, detailed analysis of countless…

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A Letter to My Younger Self

“Dear Amy,  I know you’re feeling pretty bad right now. The other kids make fun of you a lot, and you don’t know why. You’re trying really hard to be friends with them–doing all of the things you think they want you to do, and it’s just not working. But there is one thing you should know: It’s not your fault. Other people might say that, and you won’t be able to listen to them; but I am hoping that you will if it’s coming from me. It’s not your fault.  Say it over…

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