Welcome to Autism Island

When we walked out of the doctor’s office that morning, it felt like we had walked off of a plane at an unexpected layover on foreign soil. The world looked differed here. The air felt heavy and my husband seemed fine…like he knew where we were. Maybe because he’s been here before with his son. But this time, there was no connecting flight back to our old lives. It feels like we just stayed here and started our new lives, so welcome to Autism Island and wherever your journey may…

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The Never-Ending Cycle of Adjustments

Often I think life is so unfair. Why did my child get autism and virtually no one else I know has a child with it? My son was diagnosed with autism at 2 years 10 months, right before he was about to age out of First Steps, Kentucky’s early intervention system. At the time, I was pregnant with my second son and scared to death my baby would be diagnosed eventually with autism as well. I was one of the “lucky” ones, though, I guess, because he was identified early…

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