Just Start a Conversation About Autism

You don’t need a blog with lots of followers or to speak to hundreds of people to make a difference. You don’t need to have written a book or to pound the pavement with your message. Just start a conversation. It’s April 1. Our eleventh Autism Awareness Month. And with awareness comes acceptance. Understanding. Inclusion. This morning I am headed to Coop’s school to read a book to the fifth graders, his peers, about autism. To make something different seem less confusing and unknown. Just start a conversation about autism.…

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Autism Awareness Month

Today is autism awareness day. That means you will see your news feed full of stories about autism. The news outlets will cover it. It will be everywhere. So many people come to me with questions of what to do. They ask if they should celebrate. If they should advocate. Should they wear blue, red, purple or gold. They are confused. I get it. It’s overwhelming. Today, I ask you to simply start a conversation about autism. You don’t have to do anything huge. Just start talking. I invite you…

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I Will Tell You About Our World…

Maybe you follow my page. Or maybe we went to high school together. Maybe you heard about me. Or you are a friend of a friend. Either way, you know I have a son with autism. You know his name is Cooper. And that I talk about all the parts. You’ve heard that I don’t hold back. I am raw. I am honest. I talk about the beautiful parts. And the hard parts. Even the sad parts. I do this because it is my life. And I am not the…

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Every Day is Autism Awareness Day

Every year, April 1 begins Autism Awareness Month. April 2nd is Autism Awareness Day, where so many wear blue in support of Autism. I love April because what it does, it places autism in the news and really gets the dialogue about autism out there where it needs to be. I personally love the coverage April brings as a mom to a child with autism. We need to be talking about autism. We need to be changing policies and ensuring these kids get services they need. We need to discuss aging…

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