Posts Tagged ‘autism and haircuts’
We Used to Dread Haircuts
Progress. That is what this photo shows. Night and day progress. Years ago, taking this photo would not have been possible. Instead, I would be standing right next to Lucas and his Dad on the other side. I couldn’t take him alone. That would be a disaster. His hair would be so long it would become unmanageable. Washing it was too hard, so we’d have to make the dreaded appointment. I’d wear the least amount of clothing possible. Why? Because my body temperature would rise in an instant. My face…
Read MoreThis is Why We Celebrate Everything
The email I just received said ‘I wish I had video of Cooper walking into school today. No one walked past him without him reaching out and then tapping his head to show off his new haircut. He was very proud!’ Last night Cooper had his hair cut. In our home. By a family friend. It was his best haircut ever. He sat the whole time and watched his iPad. We counted during the hard parts. Chatted about his rewards for being so amazing. Held hands. Took lots of deep…
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