Posts by Ellie Whetzel
My Autistic Son’s First Dance
My boy attended his first middle school dance last night. The statement alone evokes a slew of emotions, undoubtedly steeped in years of questions surrounding whether or not participating in milestone events such as these would be possible for Leo who is on the autism spectrum. Yesterday evening, I laid out a pair of khaki pants, and a polo, hoping they’d be sufficient for the occasion. I’d asked Leo’s teacher what the kids usually wear to these functions, my own middle school days seemingly a lifetime ago… Leo giggled excitedly…
Read MoreDon’t Take Your Child’s Speech For Granted
My Eva. She’s a talker this one. Unlike her mama, in that regard. My social butterfly, who craves conversation, and connection, and whose charisma and charm emanates across settings. Her curiosity lends itself to question upon question spanning topics far and wide. Her love of learning is palpable and soars through that sweet high pitched quizzical tone she conveys to me in repeated fashion… But why, mommy? Oh, really? Why?? A few days ago, I found myself overwhelmed by the sheer volume of questions and commentary pouring from my girl.…
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