Our Tribe, I’m So Thankful For You

While motherhood has certainly been my greatest adventure, the vulnerability in becoming a mom, and an autism mom, has been a substantial challenge for me. I found myself, for the first time in a long time, in need of help. A lot of it.
This has never been something I’ll easily admit, ask for, or receive.
Thankfully, I am surrounded by the most patient, kind and generous humans who constantly offer their support.
Our friends and family and friends who are family, you open your homes to our curious five-year-old to redecorate, climb on furniture, your laps and shoulders and oblige him in his relentless requests to be chased in circles.
You continually say “hi” and attempt to engage with our little man, even when you know he will likely not hear you and walk on by.
Somedays he will hear you, and see you, and you will get to see his sweet face light up like never before. You love our children like your own and you will never know what that truly means to us.
I am so thankful for you.
His teachers, behavior interventionists, doctors, therapists and caregivers, you are patient, loving and recognize the little stuff can be very big stuff for him.
I am so thankful for you.
His BCBA, you were the first one to tell me that it was going to be OK and make me believe it. You remain so calm through the storms. You help us set goals and teach our little man how to crush them.
I am so thankful for you.
His little buddies, you have the most innocent, loving hearts. You don’t see “different”, you just see him. You may be few, but you are such an enormous light in his life.
I am so thankful for you.
The sisterhood of autism moms and special needs parents, the connection and community I have found in you is invaluable. I know my words don’t resonate with everyone but they might with you. Hearing your stories of struggle and achievements that come in every shape and size has been a constant reminder to always come back to hope.
I am so thankful for you.
All of our friends, family and friends of the family (some of whom I haven’t seen in years), who comment, message, and share our story. You encourage, support and lift us. When you share our story you are spreading autism awareness and acceptance.
I am so thankful for you.
Charlie, aka little sis, you know best how to drive your brother completely bonkers, the exact buttons to push, but you also love, include and protect him. You aren’t afraid to get right up in his face so he sees you, so he hears you, and you would never go to sleep without giving him a hug goodnight.
I am so thankful for you.
Our little one’s Daddy, you are strong when I am weak. You always support new methods, diets, and my harebrained ideas but aren’t afraid to question when something doesn’t feel right.
You keep him happy and safe, which isn’t easy but is our greatest purpose. You know him and you love him so well.
You stand with me, to advocate for him, to fight for understanding, and you remain there through our proudest moments and in our weakest.
I am so thankful for you.
My sweet boy. You adore the simple things. You smell, touch, taste and intensely examine.
You’ve made me slow down and pay attention, whether I wanted to or not, you need me to.
You’ve helped me find patience, and still I pray for more every single night.
You have forced me into a vulnerability like I have never known, and shown me all the amazingness that follows such a leap.
You’ve shown us how hard your world can be. Through frustration, pain, confusion and sleep deprivation you are still so happy in your soul.
You’ve shown me this is not only possible, it’s just all a part of this wildly imperfect, beautiful ride.
I am so thankful for you.
Written by, Lauren Emmett
You can follow Lauren and Wilson’s journey at Wilson’s Climb. Lauren started a blog to keep everyone updated on her son’s progress and with the dream that it can be one small piece in helping to spread autism awareness around the world.
(Editor’s Note: This article was provided by Lauren Emmett and is part of Cooper’s, ‘I’m Thankful For You’ Campaign.)
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