I’m Thankful For You: My Son’s Teacher

(Editor’s Note: This article was provided by Jenn Wilson and is part of Cooper’s, ‘I’m Thankful For You’ Campaign.)
This November I would like to thank my son’s teacher, Ms. Bastedo.
My son, Jaret, is currently 10 years old and in the fifth grade. He has Autism, ADHD, anxiety and Apraxia. He is in a special education class primarily geared towards kids on the autism spectrum. His class consists of children in fourth through sixth grade.
When I saw your video today, I knew I had to email you because my son has the most amazing teacher ever! Whether it is coming up with new out of the box strategies to get through his challenges or playing silly games with him to make him smile, she always goes the extra mile. He loves going to school and has made amazing progress since being in her class and I’m 100% sure she is the reason why. She never lets anyone say he cannot do something and instead always finds a way to encourage him succeed.
Before coming into Ms. Bastedo‘s class, I wasn’t even sure if Jaret would be able to handle it because the academic jump from third to fourth grade is huge even for typical kids but especially for kids with special needs like our Jaret. He is a very smart boy but his social and verbal skills are on the low end so it’s hard for him to show what he knows in the classroom. Moving to the special education class with the older kids required him to be more independent, communicate better and take cues from his peers…all skills that are challenging for him.
When Jaret started 4th grade with Ms. Bastedo, I braced myself for the worst and crossed my fingers that somehow he would be okay. Well, not only was he okay in 4th grade, he did amazing. And I know it is 100% because of his amazing teacher. He loves going to school and has made unbelievable progress since being in her class and she is the reason why. Last year, he participated in the talent show and the 4th grade play, both things I never thought he would ever do. I could go on and on sharing examples of how awesome she is and the difference she has made in Jaret’s life.
Let’s just say she is so much more than an amazing teacher. Ms. Bastedo literally changed our life. I thank my lucky stars every day that she is my son’s teacher and I get very sad thinking about the day that he will leave her classroom. We constantly joke about how she should hold him back and make him repeat 6th grade so that he could be with her for an extra year. Their bond is undeniable.
Saying thank you will never be enough to show her how much I appreciate her but maybe some recognition on your page would give her a glimpse of how grateful we are.
Thank you, Ms. Bastedo (or Ms. Bee as he calls her), for all that you do! We love you!
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