Posts Tagged ‘Toddler Delays’
I See an IEP Fight In My Future
Cooper’s pediatrician called me yesterday. I about pooped my pants when I saw the number on caller ID. I always think the worst for some reason. But it was a good call. She was following through with us about the Developmental Pediatrician. Apparently, in the whole entire state of Minnesota, there is one clinic that is currently taking new patients. Um…WOW. And since there is a 9 month wait she recommends that we make the appointment and hopefully things improve and we can cancel it. I like her positive attitude. She…
Read MoreEek…I Overshared! And Now You Know The Real Me!
I am totally having mommy guilt about oversharing yesterday. Think of it as drinking too much and being embarrassed the next day about what you said and did. We’ve all been there. At least I know I have! (One too many times) Except yesterday I wasn’t drinking. I was just plain, old sad. And worn down. And needed help. A good night’s sleep reminded me that life could be a lot worse. If I was to sum up Cooper’s behaviors I can link every single one to lack of communication. He…
Read MoreI Call That A Sucsessful Transition
I am pretty sure the world may be ending. I’m actually a little nervous about it. We let Cooper watch a Thomas video downstairs today in our family room. This is a HUGE treat for Cooper. Watching movies is a coveted thing around here. We moved our only DVD player downstairs 6 months ago because Cooper couldn’t handle having it upstairs. Translation…we couldn’t handle Cooper’s whining to watch a video constantly. He would carry the remotes around in hopes that it was movie time. (It was actually kind of cute but don’t…
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