Missing Out

You’re missing out. Parents of special needs kids say this in their head all the time. At least I do. You’re missing out on having her read all but a few words. You’re missing out on giggly girl sleepovers. You’re missing out on having her on middle school honor roll. You’re missing out on her excitement from passing the driver’s test. Prom. College, moving out. Wedding. Children. So many things to feel bad about missing out on. Milestones and rites of passage that just don’t apply in your situation. But…

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272,000 Kids will be Affected

So often in our lives, we only care about what is happening in our own lives. I get that. We are all human. We advocate and pay attention to the things that affect us. Our day-to-day lives. I’m guilty of it too. But yesterday, something was proposed that was wrong. And I don’t mean a little bit wrong. I mean a lot wrong. So wrong, that I honestly can’t believe that it is even a possibility. And if you know me, you know I don’t get political very often. Mostly,…

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Dear Autism Teacher

The bleachers are a sea of orange shirts. I push my one year old back and forth across the crowds of people as I search for your class. We search for about ten minutes before I finally spot the sign for your school. I’ve never experienced the Special Olympics before but it is way more crowded than I expected and I am thankful that I put my squirmy toddler in a stroller otherwise I am pretty sure I’d be chasing her around the crowds. As soon as Isaac spots me,…

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