The Transition from Child to Caregiver

I spent the last few days in the hospital with my dad. He is 79. When we are young we think our parents are invincible. We never pause to think that they are getting older. Until they do. Growing up, my dad always seemed so tall. So big. So calm. His motto throughout life has always been, ‘be kind.’ I can remember him saying it to me from a very early age. I never truly understood it’s importance until I had kids of my own. He knew all along. As…

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Building an Autism Bridge Between Generations

There’s a meme that’s been circulating Facebook this week. It reads: ‘In my day, they didn’t have all this Autism and ADHD and stuff.’ ‘I think what you mean is that people used to go undiagnosed and get absolutely no help and were forced to suffer through their lives because they had zero support or understanding.’ Every time this pops up in my newsfeed, it reminds me of the worry I felt the day I explained to my then 84 and 85 year old Grandparents that my young daughter, Evie,…

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When You Think About Grandpas

When you think about a grandson’s relationship with his grandpa…. I imagine baseballs being thrown. I imagine basketballs being shot. I imagine a little shadow following grandpa around asking nonstop questions. I picture trips to the Dairy Queen for an ice cream cone. I think of hand holding. Snuggling on the couch watching cartoons. Or country westerns. Or the auto channel. In my head I hear stories….‘Back when I was your age.’ I imagine special trips and holidays. I’ll tell you the truth. We got something different. Not less. No…

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I’m Thankful For You: My Mom, My Son’s Best Friend

(Editor’s Note: This article was provided by Amanda Lo Re and is part of Cooper’s, ‘I’m Thankful For You’ Campaign.) This November I want to thank and honor my mom. There are some people who are truly angels on earth and my mom, Cindy is one of them. She is one of the most giving and selfless individuals I have ever met. She is our constant. Our rock. My sanity. And my son’s best friend. I guess our journey really began eight years ago. My mom became a caregiver to my…

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