Posts Tagged ‘smile’
Your Smile
In my life, over the years, there have been a few things that have taken my breath away. The day I kissed my husband and committed my life to him as his wife…that kiss took my breath away. The night I found out I was going to be a mommy for the first time. The world stopped spinning and for a split second I stopped breathing. My daughter had a febrile seizure on top of me when she was 16 months old and I held my breath while my husband…
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We’ve known Lennon has autism for quite some time now, but the medical diagnosis came more recently. He is 30 months old now, a 2 1/2 year old aptly nicknamed “Baby Giant.” What that diagnosis came with were the parameters in which he fell. Nothing was where it should be, even his gross motor skills which we (his father and I) believed to be stellar. In most categories he fell in the 9 – 18 month range. Expected. Receptive comprehension was another story. There he was at (or under) the…
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