Posts Tagged ‘shame’
Mom, Dad, You have not Failed
I had the honor of meeting with a doctor today. A very important doctor. I was telling him all about my Cooper. What we’ve been through. I started at the beginning. He didn’t sleep. Not ever. Everyone told me it would get better. They said I was exaggerating. Only I knew I wasn’t. I told him it took Cooper six years to sleep through the night. And even today, it’s still a struggle. I told him about the burst ear drums. One after another. How no doctor would get close…
Read MoreLetting Go of the Shame of Autism
I remember it like it was yesterday. It will be 30 years this month that I experienced rejection for the very first time in my life. I was beginning my grade 9 school year. After a summer being away from home, I was nervous to come back to school for some reason. I tried to comfort myself by saying, ‘Wendy, don’t be silly, you have been best friends with these girls for 4 years, everything is going to be fine. You are in the popular group. Everything will be great.’…
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