Come Back to Me

“Come back to me…come back to me…” I mutter as I hold my daughter who is once again slipping into the unknown. The only words that come to my mind as I rock my beautiful little angel in my arms. You see there is a tantrum, and then there is a meltdown. Since the months of Avery’s diagnoses they occur less often, but when they do it is as if my soul is ripped out of my body, chasing into the battlefield after her. There is simply no other way…

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What if the Danger to Yourself is You?

With your brother Sawyer, I can fix everything with a Band-Aid and a hug. He falls off of his scooter? A Band-Aid, a kiss and a hug will do the trick. It’s all textbook. He’s six years old going on 12. His world is bike riding, baseball, friends and BeyBlades. His world doesn’t make sense to you. But with you Cooper, the problems are so different. You’ve never fallen off a bike. You’ve never had a friend steal your toy. You’ve never skinned your knees. Not only do you refuse…

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