Posts Tagged ‘self esteem’
How I See Myself Now
Would you believe I didn’t look at my own wedding photos until years after the big day? My husband and I celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary this week and I saw most of the professional photos for the first time just a few months ago. Yes, you read that right. Thousands of dollars worth of photos depicting some of the most important moments in my life spent years tucked away in a forgotten dropbox, out of sight out of mind. Why? Because if I didn’t look at those pictures, I…
Read MoreConfidence Building When Your Child Has Autism
I almost regularly remind my kids that they can do anything they set their minds to. I’m mindful of how important it is to help grow their confidence. Giving them challenges is good, but I also like to help them build on their strengths. This becomes even more important when it involves my daughter. It’s a fine line I walk every day. Do I push her a bit more because it’s something I know she could be better at or do I sit back and let her only put a…
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