This Is Regression

This is the hardest week I remember in a long time. This is regression. This is aggression. This is self-injuring. This is our hardest hard. This is all hands on deck. This is researching, brainstorming, spending every waking moment trying to figure out what and why. This is phone calls to doctors, questioning med dosages, trying to figure out the mysteries of autism, cursing nonverbal, and worrying. This is praying and sleepless nights. This is losing him. This is fighting for him. This is putting safety plans in place. And…

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It’s Not All Sunshine and Rainbows

Times are hard right now. For everyone. And if you’re a parent of a child with a disability, being off school isn’t as “cute” and “pretty” as it may seem across social media.  I’m not saying every minute of every day is hard, but it’s not all fun crafts and cookie baking either.  As I sit and reflect after a very difficult day, I want to express my feelings and the reality so many families are facing right now.  You see, cancelling school doesn’t just mean no school for a few…

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