Posts Tagged ‘Potty Training’
We Made It Over The Potty Training Mountain
There are moments I know I am going to remember forever. And one of them is reading this text message from Cooper’s school. He did it. He pooped at school. I want to be honest when I say I never fully believed that my autistic son would be potty trained. That’s how high the mountain was for him. At age six it felt like he was nowhere close. He loved his diapers. He refused to sit on the toilet for longer than 15 seconds and he’d scream and kick and…
Read MoreAutism and Potty Training
I had a long discussion with Cooper’s therapy team this week about potty training. They know him well obviously. He is almost seven. He is pee trained and has been since he was four. If he is not wearing a diaper he will use the toilet completely on his own. He recognizes he has to pee, drops his pants wherever he is in the house, penguin walks to the toilet, and pees. He does not have accidents even if we are away from our home. And a week or so…
Read MorePotty Training Desperation
I’ve reached my limit with potty training Cooper. I’ve exhausted all options that I know of. I need help. I am waving the white flag. Or crying in front of the toilet after being kicked in the shins. Either one. There are good things happening. The kid does not want to wear a diaper…especially a wet one. He takes it off if we put one on him. And here’s the kicker. He stays dry. He has excellent bladder control. And when he has to pee he will bring us a…
Read MoreThe Potty Saga Continues
I read a post called “Facepalm Moment’s and Progress” on Emelie’s Voice that really hit home with me. I read it and than read it again. In the post she says, “Here’s my advice to all parents. These anecdotes and stories make life interesting. Don’t stop sharing them. Not everyone is going to get the joy in some of them. Not everyone will find the humor in them. There will be those that get it and welcome your children to planet Earth with open arms and share your face palms and…
Read MoreAnother Big Week
Cooper had a great weekend. We worked on potty training again. Gong show I tell you. Jamie had Cooper sit on the potty for 60 minutes and he didn’t pee. We fed him juice and milk in hopes that he would eventually just pee so he would understand what he was supposed to do on there. That little stinker held it the whole time. I dug out his little potty and set it in the living room and put Cooper in underwear. And then I pulled out everything I had…
Read MoreLife with Boys
I attempted to try the whole potty training this again yesterday. Cooper isn’t quite ready yet but I want to make sure he comfortable with the potty, underwear and all that goes along with it. So yesterday he was pretty stoked to wear his Thomas the Train underwear. Actually, he got to wear 5 different pairs because he peed through them all. Lucky boy! And lucky mama! I wanted to share with you some of the sentences this mama said out loud yesterday. Sentences Only A Mother of a Boy Could…
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