Gaining Perspective in my Life

Our lives are so narrow in experience.  We understand most clearly the circumstances we are born into and the experiences we acquire over our lifetime.  Yet there are so many variables that can shape our lives.  Immigrant status, skin color, religion, socio-economic status, ethnicity, gender orientation, disability, addiction, abuse—we are shaped by these factors. Prior to being a mom, I identified as a middle class American Jewish woman. I experienced some religious discrimination in school which left me with a desire to explore diversity. I wanted to make room in my…

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Life is about Perspective

Life is all about perspective. And how you look at it. Having a son with severe, nonverbal autism has changed everything for me. I’m learning as I go. I’m getting stronger while giving myself grace to accept and grow. Sawyer and I just got home from the store. He spent his birthday money on a Lego set. He was so excited to go, choose (that’s half the fun!), and pay. He’s been anticipating our trip for days. He even did a few chores around the house today to earn extra…

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