Posts Tagged ‘Occupational therapy’
I’m Thankful For Our Therapists
We’ve been doing therapy since my son Nicholas was 6 months old. He was behind from the very beginning, and wasn’t hitting his milestones at all. He was oversensitive to everything, would arch his back a lot, and needed help with most things. It was recommended by his pediatrician that he start seeing an occupational therapist (OT). Those were some hard therapy days. Nicholas was uncomfortable and cried a lot. We worked on tummy time, sitting, feeding, and fine motor skills with little success. Because of his sensitivity his OT…
Read MoreA Message From Your Child’s Occupational Therapist
Dear Parents, I remember the first mother who told me it broke her heart that her little boy couldn’t tell her about his day at school. I thought about it on the train home, then while I made my dinner, and again as I fell asleep that night. I thought of one of my Mom’s favourite stories, about how I had come home from my first day school and proudly announced I was “the best of a bad lot”. I thought about her smile when she tells this story even…
Read MoreHonoring our Therapists
I would like to honor the amazing therapists at Accelerate Early Intervention. They listened to me when no one else did. They believed in my sons abilities and they nurtured and cared for both of us like family for three years. I stumbled into their small facility teary eyed and scared when my son was around 20 months. Owen began therapy with them at age 2 and spent 10-15 hrs a week with them for 3 years. They became an extended family. They never gave up on Owen and were…
Read MoreI’m Thankful For You: My Son’s Village
(Editor’s Note: This article was provided by Nikki Wallace and is part of Cooper’s, ‘I’m Thankful For You’ Campaign.) This December I am honoring and thanking my son’s mighty village. I have so many people that I am grateful for that I don’t even know where to start. First, I want to thank my son’s aide Mrs. Angie Flint. She has been with us for two years now and she is like a second mom to my nonverbal six year old. When he is with her I never have to worry.…
Read MoreI’m Thankful For You: My Son’s Occupational Therapist
(Editor’s Note: This article was provided by Valerie McMahon and is part of Cooper’s, ‘I’m Thankful For You’ Campaign.) This November I would like to honor and thank my son’s Occupational Therapist, Debbie. I can’t thank her enough for the help she has given us. A little bit about our family! We moved from Maine to South Carolina when our son was 18 months old. My husband, Patrick’s dad, is a State Trooper and I am a stay at home mom. In my gut I knew he wasn’t a typical…
Read MoreTrusting the Process
Cooper started Occupational Therapy last night. More therapy. More forms. More time. More time away from Sawyer. More everything. I want to be positive. I want to trust the process. I want to believe that it will work. But…. I kinda, sorta think I have the only kid that therapy won’t help. Less than a year ago we were doing speech 3 times a week and OT as well. We were doing social groups and ECFE and IEPs and parent groups. And it didn’t work. I think it actually did more…
Read MoreI See an IEP Fight In My Future
Cooper’s pediatrician called me yesterday. I about pooped my pants when I saw the number on caller ID. I always think the worst for some reason. But it was a good call. She was following through with us about the Developmental Pediatrician. Apparently, in the whole entire state of Minnesota, there is one clinic that is currently taking new patients. Um…WOW. And since there is a 9 month wait she recommends that we make the appointment and hopefully things improve and we can cancel it. I like her positive attitude. She…
Read MoreHow Can You Hate Everything?
“It’s not humanly possible that you hate everything Cooper. Unless, you aren’t human and you were sent to this earth to make me insane. Then, I guess yes, it might be possible.” Then I looked deep into his eyes to see if maybe he was indeed an alien. Nope. No sign. This is something I said to Cooper yesterday on the way home from his first occupational Therapy appointment. Let me remind you that this place is amazing and the therapist is an angel. An actual angel. She had the…
Read MoreAnother Occupational Therapy Evaluation In The Books
We had Cooper’s Occupational Therapy Evaluation yesterday morning. I am wearing my new positive hat (AKA…The ‘I am going to positive if it freaking kills me’ hat) and there were many ‘good’ things that came from the evaluation. First, this lady is A-MAZ-ING! If you could pick the exact person you would want to work with your child it would be this woman. She is patient and sweet and knew exactly how to work with Cooper. We have had people in the past that didn’t know how to handle him…
Read MoreFinding Cooper
I’ve been staring at my computer for a while now trying to figure out what to write about our meeting with the child psychologist. A few words come to mind. Acceptance is one of them. It’s time now. Time for me to accept this. Right now, today, Cooper has special needs. It may get better and it may not. Honestly, the meeting probably had the best outcome that it could have. So, in that sense it was great. I’ll give you the facts first. Then I’ll give you the feelings. They…
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