Posts Tagged ‘nonverbal age 7’
Controlling What I Can Control
On day three of Harbor’s life, he cried all day. He nursed and fussed. Nursed and fussed. He didn’t sleep for nearly six hours. At 3 pm, I broke down. Not because of exhaustion. Not because of the stress of nursing. Solely out of fear. I said the words aloud that I feared the most, ‘Jamie, he’s autistic. I know it.’ Jamie, the one who is always calm, always level headed, never emotional, said, ‘no he’s not.’ But I could see the fear in his eyes. At 5 pm, Jamie…
Read MoreI Am A Parent Who Waits
I remember when I was pregnant with my son I would imagine and dream about his future. I’d think about the cute things he was going to say and do. I’d look at other children and imagine myself with my son. I’d imagine him playing sports, making friends and playing games with me. I envisioned the conversations we’d have. I would get lost in a daydream of Jamie teaching him to catch his first fish and me running behind after his bike. I pictured myself having the kid that says…
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