Posts Tagged ‘mom freakout’
I Can't Run or Hide From This
I am having a scared day. I am so freaking scared that I want to crawl under my desk and cry. In the fetal position. I can’t take this worry anymore. I made the appointment with the developmental pediatrician. CHECK. Being ok with the 8 month waiting list. CHECK. I spoke with the early childhood screening woman and found out that because Cooper was part of the Help Me Grow program (early intervention) he can’t be screened until he is 3 years 6 months. And they don’t do screenings in…
Read MoreWhat If My Son Never Talks?
I tell myself on a daily basis that Cooper might not talk. I have too…for me. (This is one of my freak out posts.) I am pretty sure it is a defense mechanism. I have even started saying it to my parents. It’s like I almost need to shock them or something. But not to be mean or hurtful. I need them to get it. I need them to understand that this is really, really serious. On a scale of 1 to Oh My God this is Oh My God plus one.…
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