Let’s Talk about Residential Treatment

It was unfathomable just a mere year or so ago that I would ever consider “sending my son away” for treatment. He’d be with people we didn’t know. We wouldn’t know what was happening on an daily basis. It seemed too hard, too cruel, too long. UNTHINKABLE. Yet here we are. We have tried EVERYTHING. Inpatient hospitalization, day treatment, shorter school days, EBD program with small class size and lots of support. Occupational therapy, crisis therapy in our home, intensive in home therapy, outpatient therapy. We have invited home skills…

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Lost in the Woods

This post was shared anonymously and is about all the children and families that struggle with the daily life of Autism, Special Needs, and Mental Health issues.  This is the view from my personal window. I Can See It I could see it all so clearly, like a movie playing in front of me. A curious child. A clever child. An autistic child. He is crawling out of bed in the middle of the night.  He never has slept much.  It was a pretty spring day earlier, and he wanted…

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