We Don’t Take Kids With Autism

So something really weird happened the other day… I called a dentist to schedule an appointment for my son and the conversation went like this… Me: “Hi my name’s Amber and I was wondering if I could schedule an initial consult for my son? He’s 5 years old and I should mention he has autism.” Receptionist: “We don’t take kids with autism.” Me: “ummmmmmm….what do you mean you don’t take kids with autism?” Receptionist: “Cause of their autism medicine, we don’t deal with that here.” Me: “Ummmmmm… What’s autism medicine?” Receptionist: “The…

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Qualifying for Free Incontinence Supplies

I wish I could sugar coat it, but raising a child with Autism comes with quite a few unique struggles to face. But there are unique joys as well, so let that be the light at the end of the tunnel as you and your child keep chugging along through emotional, financial, and physical challenges, especially when incontinence is also involved.  Saving With Autism And Incontinence Supplies  Autism and incontinence are connected due to a variety of reasons. Some children may experience learning disabilities that delay toilet training or may…

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What is TEFRA? And How Can it Help My Family?

When my son was diagnosed with autism at age three, I remember hearing about services available. I heard about Medicaid. I heard about Social Security. I remember inquiring and realizing that we over the income limit. Which at the time was fine because I never believed we would actually need services. Or help. Both my husband and I worked. We had good health insurance through my husband’s employer, Wells Fargo Bank. We assumed that everything would be covered. We assumed wrong. Good health insurance often only covers a small portion…

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Getting Medical Assistance (Medicaid) for your Disabled Child

The number one question I receive as an Autism mom is what benefits do I get for my son and how did I obtain them. Cooper receives Medical Assistance through the state. This is also known as Medicaid. I will gladly tell you what I know about the program. He also receives a few other services but I will save those for a different post. First, you need to find out what your state offers for benefits. Please understand that every state is different. Here is the link to the Federal…

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