My Last Baby

This morning I sat long after I should have and rocked my last baby. The day was calling and I should have gotten moving. There were lunches to be made, dishes to be done, emails to be sent. But instead, I sat and held her. I smelled her hair. And studied her face. And listened to her giggle as I pretended to chew on the fingers she placed in my mouth. Her first birthday is in two days. My last baby. How did that happen? Just yesterday I was 28…

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Don’t get too Caught up in Social Media

The other day I was scrolling through Instagram and I saw an adorable photo of a baby. A baby the same age as my fourth. 9 months old. And cute as a button. I know this because that baby’s mama and I were pregnant at the same time. We traded stories of heartburn and swollen feet more than once. The caption said her little one slept eleven hours the night before. I read it and felt that feeling. That one that social media gives me when I see women who…

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