Posts Tagged ‘intensive inpatient’
Heaven in the Midst of Hell
My youngest son was recently admitted into one of the best facilities in the county; Kennedy Krieger Institute Neurobehavioral Unit in Baltimore Maryland, where he will be for the next four to eight months minimum. This comes after about a year of severe aggression towards our family, (mainly me), property destruction, elopement, disruptive behaviors and unbelievable self injurious behavior (at times over 400 times a day). We sought several resources in Iowa, where we live, two inpatients facilities, both which were unable to provide him the help he needed. We…
Read MoreNothing is Normal About Today
I spent this Thanksgiving in Baltimore, split from those I love. Instead I spent it with my son and with families that feel the same aching, haunting pain that I do. We sit as strangers, yet we know each others stories better than our own relatives. For at today’s table, we are reminded of that, as our chairs remain vacant at the homes we have left behind. As life continues stirring around us with no one really understanding what we feel. Expect these strangers I celebrate with today; they do,…
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