Posts Tagged ‘intelectual disability’
This Time Was Different, But Not Really
I have a terrible memory, but I remember that day like it was yesterday. I was a 23-year-old single mom. I was recently divorced, working 3 jobs, and had absolutely no idea what I was doing. With one look, anyone would have seen that I was ready to break at any moment. The doctor could see it too, I could tell. I could tell by the way she tip-toed around the subject, like she just knew I needed a bit of hand holding. I could tell by the way she…
Read MoreSeeing the Words Severe Intellectual Disability
Intellectual Disability. Severe. With language impairment. Non-verbal. Limited functional language. It was a mouthful. We weren’t to the end of the meeting yet. You know the part where you learn the diagnosis. We had just started on the 25 page document. I skipped ahead though and read the words. I wanted to know the results of his IQ test. I saw the number. Suddenly, I felt a ringing in my ears. The therapist was talking. I could see her lips moving. However, I could not quite hear her. I was…
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