Posts Tagged ‘Humor’
14 Things that are Ridiculously Hard as a Mother
14 things that I find to be ridiculously, over the top hard, as a mother: Putting eye drops in a child’s eye who refuses to keep their eye open. It is not possible. Nope. By the end of the attempt everyone has pink eye. Wiping a child’s nose and mouth. Or, as I call it, absolute torture. Keeping a hat on a toddler. Enough said. Putting shoes on a child who doesn’t want shoes on. ‘What is happening? Why are you curling your dang toes?’ Getting a child to eat…
Read MoreThings The Stress My Husband Out As A Parent:
Things that stress my husband out as a parent: 1. Cheeto hands touching the walls and furniture. 2. Slime. 3. Candy wrappers on the floor, couch, table. 4. Screaming and crying in the car. 5. Kids messing around in the garage near the vehicles. Especially on bikes. 6. Hockey sticks, bats, swords in the house. 7. Crumpled up socks tossed on the floor. 8. Messy vehicles. Especially mine. 9. When his tools aren’t put back and when he can’t find a tool (or really anything) in general. 10. When fruit…
Read MoreKid’s Draw the Darndest Things…Get Ready to Laugh
You know that old saying…kids say the darndest things? Well, sometimes they draw them too. Last night, I opened up my son’s backpack to pull out his work from the day. And found this gem. I immediately burst out laughing. He is in Kindergarten and I love to see what he brings home. I gathered my composure and asked him to tell me about his drawing. His response, ‘It’s obviously a beach tower mom.’ Which I responded with, ‘Obviously.’ I found my husband and said, ‘I may have the maturity…
Read MoreA Little Mom Life Humor
I shared this on Facebook today and tagged my bestie. So funny. So true. The life of a mom. Quickly Cooper’s dad responded with how untrue it was. So I dug into Instagram and pulled up these gems from my life. They just keep getting better…. I see you mom. Mom, I see that you are pooping. Here, have some tea. Or would you prefer coffee. My two little sidekicks. Notice the raincoat. And that he’s in between my legs. And my personal favorite… I can’t remember the last time…
Read MoreEnjoy Today Mama
Cooper’s speech appointment was canceled this morning so I thought I would share a little humor. I sometimes feel like I am in a movie like The Truman Show. Last Friday I brought Cooper to speech therapy at our local hospital. We usually get there a few minutes early so Cooper can play with the train table in the waiting room. As usual, I had drunk 4 gallons of coffee so the first thing I did when we arrived was take Cooper to the bathroom. The waiting room has 2 private bathrooms…
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