Posts Tagged ‘hate’
My Dear Friend Sally
Hi Sally Yes, that’s your real name. You are a real person. A middle aged woman. Honestly, it’s easier for me to respond to you when I think of you as a human being. A real person with thoughts, feelings and emotions. A grace that I’m not sure you granted me. I also won’t share your last name. This group of special needs parents is pretty fierce. When I share your comment I’m sure many of them will want to hunt you down and comment on your perfect life. I’m…
Read MoreLet’s Talk About Hate
Hi there friend, My name is Kate. I am Cooper’s mom. First, thank you so much for watching my video and commenting. A view is a view! When you leave comments, it reassures me that people are watching. So, again, thank you! I love getting my message out there. When I first started doing videos, I remember thinking, ‘no one is going to watch a video of me talking about autism.’ Then, before I knew it, I had two videos go viral and my videos were everywhere. Crazy, right? I…
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