Posts Tagged ‘autistic adults’
Every Day is Autism Awareness Day
Every year, April 1 begins Autism Awareness Month. April 2nd is Autism Awareness Day, where so many wear blue in support of Autism. I love April because what it does, it places autism in the news and really gets the dialogue about autism out there where it needs to be. I personally love the coverage April brings as a mom to a child with autism. We need to be talking about autism. We need to be changing policies and ensuring these kids get services they need. We need to discuss aging…
Read MorePractical Goals, Measuring Success, and Accepting Limitations
I would like to introduce you to Jess, a 29-year-old woman with Autism and cortical blindness. Much like many of my favorite people, Jess came into my life in the virtual way. I stumbled upon her through Instagram. And I fell in love with this vivacious, funny, southern Belle. I asked her mother, Val, who blogs at Autistic Interpretations to write a post for Finding Cooper’s Voice. I hope that you all are as intrigued by Jess as I am. My name is Val, and I am the mother of…
Read More8 Ways to Prepare Now for Your Autistic Child’s Future
A few months ago my autistic, but otherwise extremely healthy child was denied life insurance. I was shocked and confused. When Cooper was born, in preparation for college, Jamie and I started a savings plan for the him that could be converted into dollars for college tuition. Smart right?! Recently, I received a letter in the mail that notified us that Cooper was denied coverage. I was irate. Autism is not a death sentence. My son is healthy. He has no medical conditions. An At-Risk Life After following up I…
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