To the Dads who are Superheros without Capes

It is time we appreciate the underappreciated and uncelebrated dads who make up half of special needs parenting. It is part of our culture to glorify motherhood whereas the struggles of a father are seldom talked about. Special needs fatherhood can be especially lonely. They often don’t have a support system and men in our society are often discouraged to show the vulnerable side of their personality. These are the men who work twice as hard, who make difficult decisions for the sake of their families. Who are mocked and…

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A Harsh Reality

That moment when you realize your child’s diagnosis is far worse than you originally thought. It was almost as if I couldn’t catch my breath. Like someone was choking me. I cried as if someone had died. It sounds harsh, but trust me when I say that’s how it felt. I always knew my son Isaiah was special. From the moment he was born, I knew my boy was going to be somewhat different and not live a completely “normal” life. That was my Mom gut instinct. He was born…

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The Greatest Teacher

It was a beautiful, sunny April day last year when Autism first became a part of our lives. It was in the last few days of Autism Awareness Month that we were presented with my son Jack’s suspected diagnosis of Autism and we would begin our journey on the spectrum. His diagnosis would be confirmed a month later at an appointment with our developmental pediatrician- a last minute appointment we were lucky to get almost seven months early due to a cancellation and our ability to be there with short…

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