This is Why We Celebrate Everything

The email I just received said ‘I wish I had video of Cooper walking into school today. No one walked past him without him reaching out and then tapping his head to show off his new haircut. He was very proud!’ Last night Cooper had his hair cut. In our home. By a family friend. It was his best haircut ever. He sat the whole time and watched his iPad. We counted during the hard parts. Chatted about his rewards for being so amazing. Held hands. Took lots of deep…

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I Changed My Way of Thinking and it Changed My Life

As a mom to a little boy with autism I live by the quote: ‘I changed my way of thinking and it changed my life.’ I haven’t done a video in over a week! In this (long) video I give an update on our life and then discuss my evolution as a mom to a child with a lifelong disability. I get asked daily if I really am as happy and positive as I appear in my videos. The answer is yes. 95% of the time my sons disability motivates…

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