Posts Tagged ‘aggressive behavior’
The Hidden Life We Live
Parenting Autism is hard. Parenting Autism during a world wide pandemic and quarantine is nearly impossible. But, first, I need to start with this. For all of my well meaning friends and family who will comment something along the lines of: “You’re amazing and so strong. I don’t know how you do it.” Please. Don’t. I appreciate it – more than you will ever know. But first, I’m far from amazing. Second, I didn’t pick this life. It was assigned to me by some universal random number life generator (that…
Read MoreMy Promise to You
My son. My promise to you. I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. I will do everything I can to understand what you need. And why you act the way you do. I will defend your behavior. I will advocate for you. I will explain. Teach. And speak on your behalf when you need me too. And if there comes a day when you can speak for yourself, I will stand proudly behind you. I will be a buffer between you and the world. I will…
Read MoreNothing is Normal About Today
I spent this Thanksgiving in Baltimore, split from those I love. Instead I spent it with my son and with families that feel the same aching, haunting pain that I do. We sit as strangers, yet we know each others stories better than our own relatives. For at today’s table, we are reminded of that, as our chairs remain vacant at the homes we have left behind. As life continues stirring around us with no one really understanding what we feel. Expect these strangers I celebrate with today; they do,…
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