Our Autism Regression Plan

  I remember thinking the following thoughts: Once we clean up his diet, start supplements, remove the junk, lessen his sugar intake, remove gluten and dairy, and increase his water he will start doing better. Then, this will be fine. Once we start ABA and find the perfect combination of therapy he will start doing better. Then, this will be fine. Once we get him potty trained and fix his constipation he will feel better. Then, this will be fine. Once we get him communicating with his speech device he…

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When are the Autistic Behaviors ‘Normal’?

This morning my autistic son crawled into bed with me at 1 AM. This is very, very rare for Cooper. One year ago, yes, he was a terrible sleeper. He would wake up a dozen times a night and start his days at 3 AM. But, not anymore. My kid is a sleeper now. My first thought…he is in pain. As Cooper’s mom, I’ve learned that when behaviors change in a child on the spectrum, finding the reasons why can feel like trying to find a needle in a haystack.…

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Autism and Regression

Hey all. Yesterday we had a heartbreaking day and it hit our family pretty hard. And to make it worse it seems that something is super ‘off’ with Cooper. We can’t seem to get him regulated and as we sat and analyzed his behaviors last night we realized he’s been off for over a week. And for the life of us we can’t figure out what’s changed in his world. This regression is dramatic. And a huge shock. This is one of the hardest parts of raising a nonverbal kid.…

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