A Tired Mom: Embracing Support and Asking for Help


Today I had an interesting thought cross my mind. It was in passing as I was pouring coffee and starting my day.

It was “I am tired of taking care of myself.” What does this mean to me?

Every day I have to work hard to recognize what I am feeling. To be conscious about not shutting off, to add in moments that light up my spirit, to share with others, to eat and exercise for my brain, and to just keep standing in it all.

It has taken a very long time for me to understand the desire to have people show up for me when I ask. I am not great at saying what I need or even recognizing what I need.

There is no doubt that I need support and connection with others.

It is good to understand these deep rooted feelings I have.

What I was telling myself this morning is to be aware of the desire to shy away from support. To embrace the fear that is associated with asking.

I am a list maker, task oriented, on the go person to my core. I often take on too much and say yes too often. This year has taught so many things but mostly it has given me permission to say no. To say today I can’t.

It isn’t that I am tired of taking care of myself, it is that I am tired of being consumed with the tasks. Of being consumed with the doubt of my abilities and with the pushing it down to make it through.

If you are struggling to open the door and ask for a hand there might just be a person on the other side waiting.

Something I am learning to accept and understand that I don’t have to do it all at once.

Written by Tabitha Cabrera of Peace of Autism

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Tabitha Cabrera

Tabitha Cabrera, Esq., recently moved from Arizona to Montana. She spent her career as an Attorney and has recently been working on finding what is important in this life, friends, family, and growth. She shares about her two sweet autistic children, Nixon age six and Nora age three and the family's journey through diagnosis. She has found a passion in advocacy and paired this passion with her brother Mike Barnett to publish four children's books. Available on Amazon, "Do You Talk the Way I Talk?" "Me and My AAC." "What's the Commotion with My Emotions?" and "¿Hablas Como Yo?" also coming soon "Can I See Autism?" She believes that each day you have the opportunity to spread a message and extend a hand to those in need. She also shares about her perspective and journey with the ladies of Table for Five, No Reservations podcast found on any streaming service. You can find Tabitha's blog at www.peaceofautism.com, on Facebook and IG at peaceofautism.

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