I Wanted to Shout “She is Autistic!”


“I am sorry. She is autistic.”

This. This is what I wanted to shout in the waiting room at dance class Monday night. I wanted the moms with their beautifully behaved children to know this.
I didn’t want Lexi’s behavior to come across as me being an awful parent, or to view Lexi as a naughty girl.
I wanted to give the behavior an excuse.

I stayed silent.
I did not share that she had autism.
I did not justify her behavior.
I let them think what they wanted.

Whether they thought I am the type of parent that doesn’t have control of my child, or that my child needed disciplined, I will never know.

For some reason this bothers me. It isn’t the first time something like this has happened, leaving me feeling bothered. Making me feel judged.
I feel like I have tough skin though. I can leave and let it roll off of my back.

What bothers me more is Lexi being judged. People thinking she is naughty, poorly behaved, or non-compliant.

The truth is, Lexi is none of those things. She is good, not naughty.

She is mostly well behaved but has some moments, most of which, from her perspective, are justifiable by invisible triggers. She is compliant if she understands, and she usually does. But sometimes life is just a little harder for her.

So if you are out and see other children, like Lexi, please do not judge them. There is always a story behind a child’s behavior and another story behind how a mother chooses to respond to the behavior.

What may not look like “good parenting,” is not for anyone to judge…unless you want to find the story behind what is happening.
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Elissa McFarland

My name is Elissa McFarland. I am an intervention specialist, wife, and mother of two amazing daughters Aleena and Lexi. My youngest daughter Lexi was diagnosed with autism and the inspiration behind my Facebook page Life with Lexi. I enjoy writing about our day to day life and bringing awareness to others about what life with autism looks like. You can follow our journey at Life with Lexi on Facebook.

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  1. Roxana Hernandez on February 9, 2023 at 2:24 pm

    Autism is a disorder that can be helped in many ways. But these children will always have a different perspective on life. Get to learn their world it might surprise you it’s an interesting and enjoyable experience. To my 2 babies that travel this world.
    Grandma loves you 4 ever.