Christmas Through My Autistic Son’s Eyes


Christmas is so much. It’s busy, it’s loud, it’s joyful, it’s frustrating, it’s just, a lot.

I love it though. I love it for religious reasons, I love being with family, I love yummy treats, and I love presents. I get so caught up in it.

I have so many deep seeded memories when it comes to Christmas that I want to recreate them for my kids. I want them to have it all and sometimes I forget to slow down.

My son, Jesse is on the autism spectrum and is a sensory seeker. This often slows us down.

He wants to stop and touch everything. He touches the walls, grass, everything on the shelfs at the store, he’s been known to lay on the ground in public and rub his hand over whatever is below him.

He appreciates the little things, he feels and sees the world through the smallest details.

I often get sad that he doesn’t get excited about Christmas in the traditional ways.

He does like it. Jesse likes to say “Santa” and sing We Wish You a Merry Christmas and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, but when it comes to the actual day he’s not a big fan.

The hustle and bustle is too much, he’s not big on people coming and going. It’s a loud day with too many expectations. He’s not big on Christmas morning, although he’s beginning to enjoy gifts, it’s loud and he doesn’t want to be watched.

This year, instead of pushing the things children usually enjoy on him I’ve been celebrating through him. Watching how he enjoys all the small things.

Jesse examines every branch on the tree. He touches and feels each ornament. He lays under the tree and takes it all in. His favorite thing to do is watch the toy train go around and around the tree.

The guy loves decorations. He is especially into the big tacky ones that I can’t stand. We know where all the inflatables are in the neighborhood.

I love when He stares out the window and looks at all the beautiful lights on people’s houses. He loves his grandmother’s little nativity set and listing all the major players.

We both love the snow. When we get that first heavy snow with the big flakes he and I go stand outside and watch them fall.

We stare up and watch as each one of them hits our faces. Jess will jump for joy and then become completely relaxed as it falls on his face. I have to limit him so we don’t freeze but he would stand there forever.

It is his heaven on earth.

He may not like it when we are loud but he loves his family being together. You can see he loves everyone else’s excitement. He’ll come to me to point out who’s there whether or not he dare ever greet them. He feels the spirit of family and friends.

This year I am loving seeing the Christmas season through his eyes.

Slowing down to take in every detail. I am finding a new way to celebrate and a new way to create memories. I can’t make him enjoy it the way I did and do, but I can join him in enjoying it in the way he does.

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Jaime Ramos

Jaime Ramos, is a wife and mom from Colorado. She's married to her best friend, Isaac, and they have two kids. Her oldest is seven and autistic. She mainly writes about her a-typical parenting journey. Jaime is a blogger at Jaime Ramos Writes and co-host on the Talk Like a Mother: Parenting Autism Podcast. She wants to spread the word that spreading love and awareness is key to acceptance.

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  1. Stefanie on December 23, 2022 at 7:32 pm

    How do learn your child is autistic?