A Letter to Special Needs Paras

Dear Para,
You are valued.
We know you show up every day not because the pay is great but because you truly enjoy your job.

Please know you are valued.

We know the time and dedication you put into our child each and every day.
Your efforts will never go unnoticed from us because you are valued.
We see the love and respect you show to our child. You always see them as a person and not as another job responsibility.

You are valued.

You follow the IEP. You offer suggestions. You are one of the most important people on our team.
You share our excitement in our child’s successes. You cheer for the smallest accomplishments because you know the work it took to get there.
You are valued.
We see the bruises or scratch marks our child might have left on you during a behavior. You always say it’s no big deal because you see past the behaviors to the beautiful person our child is.

You are a supporter of ALL things!

You cut up food at lunch, assist in toileting, offer the OT a hand during her sessions.
You are valued for all you do.
You snap photos of our child and share them throughout the day. You know our child can’t tell us what they do during the day so you help us understand.
You protect our child’s dignity. You see the value in respect and you are a constant advocate for inclusiveness.
You are valued.
Always remember the value you hold in the lives of the ones you care for. You chose to be Para for the love of helping others and we will forever value you for your beautiful heart.
Thank you!
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RaShelle Carter

Mother daughter duo making positive changes in the world of special needs. Callie is an 9 year old girl with Cerebral Palsy and Autism. Recently her mom started a small t-shirt business to help promote independence/job skills and connect her to the community. Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Calliescommunity?ref=seller-platform-mcnav FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082610085786 IG: @calliescommunityproject Tiktok: @calliescommunityproject

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  1. Vivian Medford on September 30, 2022 at 11:12 am

    You’re welcome,
    Thank you 💜💐😭

  2. Pam Stupay on September 30, 2022 at 7:23 pm

    What’s not to love!!! He loves you . There I said it for him.